The (s)hiver arts cociety is a registered not-for-profit society originating in Dawson City, Yukon in 2015. Its mission is to nurture the gift of creativity in the Northern Territories by offering platforms for presentation and opportunities for cultural exchange, including but not limited to the (s)hiver arts festival. It has held the arts festival since 2015, in addition to creative workshops and fundraisers.
Our mandate is to:
To bring art and vibrancy to the darkest, coldest months of winter
To encourage up and coming artists and non-artists to work alongside professional artists.
To bring art into non-arts venues and involve the larger community by offering workshops and tailoring art to make it accessible and engaging.
To engage artists in the making of new works.
To nurture an arts based economy.
To enable artists to sustain their practice by providing appropriate honorarium.
To improve international branding of Canada's North, and promote tourism in winter months.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please refer to the contact page or attend one of our infrequent meetings.

Rachael Siminovitch - untitled (2015)
The (s)hiver arts society respectfully acknowledges that the majority of our activities occur on Trondëk Hwëchin territory.
For more information about the Trondëk Hwëchin, please visit their website.

The (s)hiver arts society would like to recognize the Yukon Community Development Fund for their support in creatively developing the society. Their generous grant in 2017 allowed the society to enlist the services of local creative consultants to help develop the direction of the society and its creative endeavors.

The (s)hiver arts society would also like to recognize and thank the Yukon Lotteries Projects Fund, the Klondike Visitors Centre, and the City of Dawson for their financial assistance with buying a sound system to be shared among Dawson's not-for-profits. With the acquisition of the system, (s)hiver and other local not-for-profits will have the ability to produce more musical or theatrical content reliably and cost-effectively. If you are interested in using this equipment for a project, please contact us at our email address,